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感应充电器 让你的iphone完美充电

来源:互联网 2014-10-20


    新华网北京10月15日电 根据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,来自瑞士洛桑艺术大学的学生Alice Robbiani设计出一种给iphone充电的感应充电器,能使手机成为挂钟。

    有无数种方法可以替代Spira能做的两件事情:给手机充电和报时。但是一名来自交互设计专业的学生Alice Robbiani所制作的设备却能使其合二为一,她的感应充电器能使iphone在充电时成为一只交互式的挂钟。





This Inductive Charger Makes Powering Up Your iPhone Beautiful

    There are plenty of ways to do the two things that Spira does: Charge your phone and tell you the time. But there's nothing quite like the device that interaction design student Alice Robbiani has built to combine them—her inductive charger turns your iPhone into an interactive wall clock while it charges.

    For her thesis at ECAL in Lausanne, Robbiani built an inductive charging dock for her iPhone and an app, called Spira, that displays charging levels on the screen using balls that each represent 10 percent of your phone's battery life. The dock itself is attached to a metal frame, which looks like a simple wall mount until you actually put your phone down on it: The face of the frame is painted in thermochromatic ink, and displays a clock-like pattern when the phone is charging.

    Here's the cool part: When you rotate your phone vertically, the face becomes a clock that corresponds to the thermochromatic clock face on the frame:

    So not only is your phone now being charged inductively—it's acting as an ad hoc wall clock while you wait, which Robbiani calls "a place of honor in the home atmosphere."

    It's a novel (and unfortunately, one-off) concept, but it's a pretty incredible prototype considering that Robbiani is still a student. And as far as ways to integrate your smartphone with your home-based systems, it couldn't be more clever. [CreativeBOOM; ECAL]